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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Schematic Editor >
   N-Ports in Designer >
       Creating a Parametric N-Port Model >
           Options Tab               

Options Tab

The Options tab is used to select the behavior of the selected NPort.


• Nexxim/Designer — Sets the NPort type

• Interpolation — Specifies the interpolation as Step or Linear

• Extrapolation — Specifies the type of extrapolation that is to be used with the NPort

• DC Behavior — Specifies the type of DC behavior that is to be used with the NPort

• Method — Specifies the method used to convert frequency domain data to the time domain

• Enforce Passivity — Enforces a passivity check which tests whether the S-parameter data is passive or not. Passive devices can only dissipate, or temporarily store energy, but never generate it.

• Use reciprocal — Computes the inverse, or reciprocal, at each frequency so that the N-port can be used for de-embedding

• Network Data Explorer — Allows you to view and manipulate network data by opening the Network Data Explorer.


When the N-port behavior Options have been entered, click OK or select another tab.


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