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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Variables, Quantities, and Functions >
       Selecting a Far-Field Quantity to Plot           

Selecting a Far-Field Quantity to Plot

When plotting far-field quantities, the quantity can be a value that was calculated by Designer such as antenna gain, a value from a calculated expression, or an intrinsic (inherent) variable value such as frequency or theta.

To select a far-field quantity to plot:

1. When you create the report, specify the Report Type as "Far Fields."

2. In the Report dialog box, select one of the following categories for the field setup:



Intrinsic variables, such as frequency or theta, or user-defined project variables, such as the length of a quarter-wave transformer.

Output Variables

User defined expressions applied to derive quantities from the original field solution.


Gain is four pi times the ratio of an antenna’s radiation intensity in a given direction to the total power accepted by the antenna.

Axial Ratio

Axial ratio of the electric field.

Antenna Params

Designer-calculated quantities that include peak directivity, radiated power, accepted power, radiation efficiency, max U, and array factors. For far-field setups, the decay factor for lossy materials is calculated as a constant for all far fields.

Radar Cross-Section (Bistatic RCS)

For designs with Plane Incident Waves. (RCS is not supported for other types of incident waves).

The radar cross-section (RCS) or echo area, σ, is measured in meters squared and represented for a bistatic arrangement (that is, when the transmitter and receiver are in different locations). This is represented by


• Escat is the scattered E-field.

• Einc is the incident E-field.

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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