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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Variables, Quantities, and Functions >
       Selecting Solution Quantities to Plot           

Selecting Solution Quantities to Plot

When you create a report of Modal or Terminal solution data, each trace in the report includes a quantity that is plotted along an axis. The quantity being plotted can be a value that was calculated by Designer such as S11, a value from a calculated expression, or an intrinsic (inherent) variable value such as frequency or theta. The valid categories available depend on the type of quantity (real or complex) that is being plotted, the setup, the solution type, and the plot domain.

To select an S-parameter quantity to plot:

1. In the Report dialog box, Trace tab, select one of the following categories:



Intrinsic variables, such as frequency or theta, or user-defined project variables, such as the length of a quarter-wave transformer.

Output Variables

User defined expressions applied to derive quantities from the original field solution.


S-parameters from the S-matrix. For designs which include a Frequency Selective Surface (FSS)-referenced radiation boundary, S11 and S21 represent the extracted reflection and transmission coefficients, respectively.


Admittance matrix parameters computed from the S-parameters and port impedances.


Impedance matrix parameters computed from the S-parameters and port impedances.


Propagation constants for the S-parameters.

Port Zo

Characteristic port impedances.


Voltage standing wave ratio, calculated from the equation .

2. Select a quantity to plot from the Quantity list. The available quantities will depend upon the selected category and the setup of the design.

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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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