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Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Modifying Reports >
       Plotting Spectral Domain Data            

Plotting Spectral Domain Data

To plot spectral domain data from a transient simulation in the Reporter, open the Modify Report dialog and make the following changes:

• Select the desired transient solution and set the domain to Spectral in the Context area.

• Set the Start Time and Stop Time as desired to avoid circuit startup artifacts or late time data. The number of harmonics to use in the FFT calculation can be set using the Max Harmonics control. Information about the resolution bandwidth and maximum frequency of the spectral data will be automatically updated as the transient parameter settings (start time, stop time and maximum number of harmonics) are varied. The start and stop times must lie within the transient simulation time limits.

• Select the Window button in the Context area of the Reporter dialog to choose which window to apply. A window can be applied to the transient data to help resolve closely spaced harmonics and reduce spectral leakage due to the finite nature of the time signal.

• If desired, select the Adjust Coherent Gain checkbox, so that the signal levels are adjusted (based on the window type) as if no window were used. When non-rectangular windows are used, the window automatically changes the power level of the signal. This is known as the “coherent gain” or “processing loss” of the window.


The following window types are available (the “t” parameter is normalized time):



Bartlett: (also known as the Parzen or triangular window)

   1.0 - t


   0.42 + 0.5 * cos(Pi*t) + 0.08 * cos(2*Pi*t)


   0.54 + 0.46 * cos(Pi*frac)


   0.5 * (1.0 + cos(Pi*t))


   BesselI0( KaiserParam * sqrt(1.0 - t*t)) / BesselI0( KaiserParam )


   1.0 - t*t


   (0.828217 * Pi**3 * t**3 - 1.637363 * Pi**2 * t**2 + 0.041186 * Pi*t + 0.99938)




For more information about the use of windows in harmonic analysis see: F.J. Harris, "On the Use of Windows for Harmonic Analysis with the Discrete Fourier Transform," pp. 51-83, Proc. IEEE, vol. 66, no. 1, Jan 1978.

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