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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Creating Reports >
       New Report Dialog           

New Report Dialog

When you left click Product > Results (or right-click Results in the Project tree) and select a report type and then a display type, a New Report dialog similar to the following opens:





Depending on the nature of your installation and the projects loaded into Designer, at times only a subset of the following report options may appear in the New Report dialog.



In the New Report dialog, you select options in the following sections to create a report:


Context section

• Solution — lists the available sweeps.

• Domain — lists the available domains.

• Show — lists the quantity types to display. ( Differential Pairs only)


Harmonics section

• For Harmonic Balance simulation setups (HB1Tone, HBNtone, Oscillator, OscillatorNTone, PXF, TVNoise) this section displays the first five harmonic quantities of a Sweep or Network Function domain.

• Edit — You can select/filter and change the displayed harmonic quantities by clicking the Edit button to open the output quantity dialog; any changes that are made will be reflected in the original setup dialog.


Plotting Range section

• Long-time domain simulations may contain extremely large amounts of data.

• Windowing — trims the data.

• Thinning — removes unecessary detail

• Time Start — allows you to set the start time and units.

• Time Stop — allows you to set the stop time and units.


Constellation Trace tab

• Primary Sweep pulldown menu allows you to select a primary sweep, or you can browse for the selection by clicking the ellipsis button at right (...).

• Constellation displays the applicable function. Contains a dropdown menu for selecting the value(s) and a browse button for selecting from a list of sweeps (if available). Clicking the Range Function button opens the Set Range Function dialog and allows you to choose a different function to apply.

• Category window- these depend on the Solution type and the design. This lets you specify the category of information for the report.

• Quantity — allows you to specify a quantity for the Constellation report.

• Function — allows you to specify a function for the Constellation report.


Eye Diagram Trace tab

• Primary Sweep pulldown menu allows you to select a primary sweep, or you can browse for the selection by clicking the ellipsis button at right (...)

• Eye Diagram displays the applicable function. Contains a dropdown menu for selecting the value(s) and a browse button for selecting from a list of sweeps (if available). Clicking the Range Function button opens the Set Range Function dialog and allows you to choose a different function to apply.

• Category window- these depend on the Solution type and the design. This lets you specify the category of information for the report.

• Quantity — allows you to specify a quantity for the Eye Diagram report.

• Function — allows you to specify a function for the Eye Diagram report.


Constellation Parameters section

• Radio buttons allow you to choose between Vector and Constellation

• When the Constellation radio button is selected, you may specify a Sample Period and Offset.


Eye Parameters section

• Allows you to specify a Unit Interval and Offset.


Update Report section

• Real Time checked — enable real time updates for all reports.

• Real Time unchecked — enables the adjacent drop down menu which allows you to choose Update This Report or Update All Reports. Both selections will update traces to the latest data available.


Trace tab

• Primary Sweep pulldown menu allows you to select a primary sweep, or you can browse for the selection by clicking the ellipsis button at right (...)

• X:

• Contains a dropdown menu for selecting the value(s) and a browse button for selecting from a list of sweeps (if available).

• Y:

• Range Function button — opens the Set Range Function dialog. This applies currently specified Quantity and Function.

• Category window— these depend on the Solution type and the design. This lets you specify the category of information for the Y component.

• Quantity — allows you to specify a quantity for the Y component.

• Function — allows you to specify a function for the Y component.


Families tab

• Lists the number of families available.

• Each member of a family defines one point on a curve.

• Radio buttons allow you to choose between Sweeps and Available variations. Allows you to edit sweeps; the Edit button lets you select variable Values.

• Nominals field (disabled if none exist in the design) allows you to choose one of the following:

• Set All Variables to Nominal

• Set All Unswept Variables to Nominal

• Choose Nominals


Families Display tab

• Allows you to choose from the following types of families display: All Families, Statistics, or Histogram.


Dialog command buttons

• Output Variables — opens the Output Variables dialog.

• Options — opens the Report Setup Options dialog. This contains a checkbox for using the advanced mode for editing and viewing trace components. This mode is automatic if the trace requires it. It also contains a field for setting the maximum number of significant digits to display for numerical quantities.

• New Report — adds a report to the Project tree under the Results icon. The new report is displayed in the Project window.

• Apply Trace — applies the currently configured trace.

• Add Trace — this is enabled when you have created or selected a report. You can add further traces. The new trace displays in the Project window under the report.

• Close — closes the New Report dialog.





Remember that the evaluated value of an expression is always interpreted in SI units. However, when a quantity is plotted in a report, you have the option to plot values in units other than SI. For example, the expression "1+ang_deg(S11)" represents an ‘angle’ quantity evaluated in radians, though plotted in degree units. To represent an angle quantity in degrees, you would specify units as "1 deg + ang_deg(S11)".


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