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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
   Animation  >
       Frequency Animation           

Frequency Animation

1. To initiate the animation of the overlay that is currently displayed, do one of the following:

• Select Animate from the View menu.

• Expand the Results icon in the Project window, right-click the overlay entry, and select Animate from the menu.

2. If no animations have been defined previously, the Setup Animation dialog opens:

• Specify a name in the Name field (or accept the default, Animationn, where n is a numeral). Optionally, enter a description.

• For a frequency animation, select F as the Swept Variable.

• By default, all the frequencies are selected (highlighted). Hold down the CTRL key to select multiple individual frequencies, or hold down the SHIFT key to select a contiguous range of frequencies. [These selection modes are illustrated in the dialog example above].

• Click OK.

If one or more animations have been defined, selecting Animate from one of the menus opens the Select Animation dialog:

The Select Animation dialog provides the following operations:

• Left-click to select one of the animations and click OK to start that animation.

• Click the New button to open the Setup Animation dialog described above, and close the Select Animation dialog.

• Select an animation and click Delete to delete the definition.

3. Designer calculates the frame data. If the Progress window is displayed, you can monitor the progress of the calculation. When the frames have been calculated, the animation begins and the Animation control panel opens:

• Use the “VCR” buttons to play the animation. From left to right, the buttons are Reverse, Fast Reverse, Stop, Fast Forward, and Forward. The indicator at the top of the dialog shows the progress of the animation. Use the Speed slider to control the speed of the animation.

• To export the frame data to a file, click Export. The Export File dialog opens:

Specify the directory and file name. Use the Save as type menu to select the file format (Animated GIF or AVI). Click Save to save the data and close the dialog.

• Click Close on the Animation control panel to stop the animation and close the panel.

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