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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Generating Reports and Postprocessing >
User Defined Outputs: Introduction >
   Dimensions Reduction by UDO Calculations       

Dimensions Reduction by UDO Calculations

The probes in a UDO can have heterogeneous dimensions of data, for example, one probe in a UDO can have data that is function of n intrinsic variable, while another probe in same UDO can have data that is function of m intrinsic variables, with n and m potentially being different. UDOs allow reducing any number of these intrinsic variables e.g in above example UDO calculations can be function of any number of intrinsic variables including not being function of any intrinsic variable at all. UDO calculations can also be a function an intrinsic variable that none of the probes is function of. The only restriction is that Freq cannot be reduced if any of the probes are on a Fields report type.


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