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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Remote Analysis >
   Using Groups for Security Permissions on Windows >
       Pre-Defined Windows System Identities           

Pre-Defined Windows System Identities

Windows defines several identities that represent dynamic user groups. These are particularly useful when configuring remote analysis. Following are several common system identities that can be used:

• Anonymous Logon: Represents all users who cannot be identified.

• Everyone: Represents all current identified users, including guests and users from other domains. When a user logs on to the machine, he is automatically added to the Everyone group. This does not include unidentified users, which are included in the Anonymous Logon system identity.

• Interactive: Represents all users currently logged on to a particular computer and accessing a given resource located on that computer (as opposed to the users who access the resource over the network). When a user accesses a given resource on the computer to which he is currently logged on, he is automatically added to the Interactive group.

• Network: Represents all users currently accessing a given resource over the network (as opposed to users who access a resource by logging on locally at the computer where the resource is located). When a user accesses a given resource over the network, he is automatically added to the Network group.


Next Step: Manually Adding a Windows Local Group

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