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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Stackup Definitions for EM Models >
   Subcircuits with Independent Stackups       

Subcircuits with Independent Stackups

Subcircuits can be pasted into an EM Design as an instance of the original, i.e. with an independent stackup. The vertical placement of the sub-design is determined by the placement layer of the cell instance:

1. Select the sub-design in the layout editor (without pushing down into it).

2. Set the placement layer use the “PlacementLayer” attribute.



The stackup cannot be inverted; the lower elevation of the black-box stackup is always aligned with the top of the placement layer.


• The PlanarEM simulator ignores sub-designs with independent stackups during analysis; a warning is issued.

• For HFSS, a consistent mesh that includes all sub-designs is constructed. If ground layers intersect, the mesh will fail to generate.

• EM design attributes within the black-boxes are ignored (e.g. boundary conditions).

• Ports must be added at the analysis level; ports internal to any sub-design are ignored.

• Ports can be referenced to grounds or metal on a signal layer within the sub-design containing the physical port location or any parent design.



The entire combined geometry is simulated by HFSS; any existing results for the independent sub-design are not re-used.


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