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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
HFSS Port Setup in Designer >
   Ports for Transmission Lines >
       Single-Line Transmission Line Ports           

Single-Line Transmission Line Ports

When configuring HFSS ports as single-line transmission ports, the edge selections must be a continuous, co-linear set of segments.



To convert between a lumped-gap and a wave port, toggle the HFSS Type Attribute in the EM Design properties. The 3D view will be updated automatically. Additional properties that can be set include:


— General properties: —

• Reference -choose geometry/layer for vertical constraint

• Impedance -if Z0 cannot be determined from port solution

• Post-processor –renomalization and deembedding


— Gap —

• Orientation (read only)


— Wave —

• Orientation (read only)

• Horizontal Extent Factor –if applicable, sizing parameter for vertical wave ports

• PEC Launch Width –dimension for port-geometry thickness



The following pre-simulation validation checks apply:

• Port geometry may not intersect other port geometry

• Port geometry may not intersect layout geometry

• Wave ports may not contain “floating” terminal geometry


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