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       SPB License For Direct Import           

SPB License For Direct Import

There are several modes of operations regarding direct import, some require an SPB license and some do not.


Direct Import of brd/mcm/sip Files

This requires that extracta.exe is executable on the local machine. Extracta is an unlicensed utility provided by Cadence. Typically, however, a minimal Cadence installation is required to execute this application. For this method, extracta.exe must be locally executable.



This is similar to the ANF data-transfer model. You can export an *.anx file from a different machine as a stand-alone file and import it to leverage all the DesignerLinks features.


Client/Server Interaction

For this, you need to be working in the APD environment, so a Cadence installation and license are required. This also requires Designer Links integration be installed and configured for the SPB environment. Currently, this must be downloaded and manually configured.


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