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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Planar EM Technical Notes >
   Radiated Fields >
       Radiated Fields Gain           

Radiated Fields Gain

Gain is defined as the ratio of the radiation intensity in a specific direction to the power. Four values of gain are calculated, the gain based on the accepted power and input power, and the gain based on the RHCP and LHCP components of the E-field.

Designer calculates gain from the following equations:


• |rE| is the magnitude of the radiated electric field multiplied by the distance, r. It has units of volts.

• P is the power, in watts, and can be either of the following:

1. Pacc is the net power accepted, in watts, by the antenna and is calculated from the following:


• the superscript, m, indicates the complex conjugate transposed matrix.

• a is the incoming power wave vector.

• b is the outgoing power wave vector.

2. Pin is the input power, in watts, and is calculated from the following:



Gain reference in Designer is an isotropic source with dBi units. However, in practice, gain is sometimes measured relative to a dipole with units of dBd. The difference between the two measurements is equal to the gain of a dipole, or 2.1dB.


The IEEE definition of gain does not include mismatch loss, but in practice gain is often measured with mismatch loss. In Designer “Input Gain” is calculated with mismatch loss, while “Accepted Gain” is calculated without mismatch loss. Consequently, “Accepted Gain” always yields larger values than “Input Gain”.




Both field components, Ephi and Etheta, are always included in Designer calculations.

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