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HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Planar EM Technical Notes >
   Modes >
       Modes, Reflections, and Propagation           

Modes, Reflections, and Propagation

It is possible for a current solution generated by an excitation signal at one specific mode to contain reflections of higher order modes which arise due to discontinuities in the high frequency structure. If these higher order modes are reflected back to the excitation port or transmitted onto another port, the S-parameters associated with these modes should be calculated.

If the higher order mode decays before reaching any port — either because of attenuation due to losses or because it is a non-propagating evanescent mode — there is no need to obtain the S-parameters for that mode. Therefore, one way to avoid the need for computing the S-parameters for a higher order mode is to include a length of transmission line in the geometric model that is long enough for the higher order mode to decay.

For best results, include a small length of the transmission line that is connected to each port in the model of the structure. For example, if one port of a structure is connected to a microstrip line, then the portion of the geometric model leading up to the port must have the cross-section of the microstrip line.


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