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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
   Inserting an EM Design >
       Inserting an EM Technology File           

Inserting an EM Technology File

Designer provides default stackups, or technology files, for common structures. You can create and save your own stackup as a technology file so that it is available to every project.

Each technology file you create includes the layers’ material property, units, thickness, elevation, and roughness data. This information is stored in an .asty file in the \userlib folder.

To insert an EM technology file:

1. On the Project menu, click Insert EM Design.

The Choose Layout Technology window appears.

2. Select a structure from the list.

• Alternatively, click Browse to search for an existing .asty technology file.

3. Click Open.

The technology file you selected is listed in the project tree as EMn by default, where n is the order of the design in a potential series of designs. Sublevels named Data, Excitations, Analysis, and Results are automatically created below the design name in the project tree, storing data about the current project.

The Layout view window also appears. You may now create or edit the design layers.

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