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   Exporting S-Matrices for Full-Wave SPICE Analysis       

Exporting S-Matrices for Full-Wave SPICE Analysis

Significant coupling that occurs in closely located circuits reaching frequencies above one GHz can now be included in circuit analysis. When S-parameter data calculated by Designer is exported to PSpice, HSpice, and Maxwell Spice software, transformation data between voltages and currents is constructed. This transformation data is based on the S-parameter data; therefore full-wave effects can be modeled in the circuit analysis.

When S-parameter data is exported from Designer to PSpice or HSpice, Designer creates an equivalent circuit. The circuit is represented by an N-port with input and output terminals. It includes the same frequency response behavior as the original device analyzed in Designer. Frequency domain information from Designer is transferred to circuit simulators that operate in the time domain. Broadband matching of frequency responses is ensured while the full-wave solution accuracy is preserved. When S-parameter data is exported from Designer to Ansoft’s Maxwell Spice software, Designer creates a new “full-wave N-port subcircuit”. This subcircuit is also represented by an N-port that includes the same frequency response behavior as the original device.

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