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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

HFSS and Planar EM Simulators >
Working with Materials >
   Adding New Materials >
       Enter Frequency Dependent Data Points           

Enter Frequency Dependent Data Points

1. When you click OK on the on after selecting Enter Frequency Dependent Data Points on the Frequency Dependent Material Setup dialog box, the Enter Frequency Dependent Data points dialog box appears. It shows a table with four columns:

• Name: the name of the selected material property.

• Freq Dependent: Check the box to indicate if the property is expressed as frequency-dependent dataset. If a property can not be set as frequency-dependent dataset, the cell is disabled.

• Dataset column: this is disabled unless Freq Dependent is checked or the property cannot be set as frequency dependent. When enabled, it contains a dropdown menu with a list of existing datasets and the Add/Import dataset...to add or import new dataset.

• Freq As: after a dataset is successfully imported or added, there are two choices available: "X datapoint" or "Y datapoint".

2. If you select Add/Import dataset, the Add Dataset dialog appears.

This contains the following fields:

• The name field for the current dataset. The default is ds1.

• The Import from File button. This opens a file browser for you to select an existing dataset.

• The Coordinates table. This contains X and Y text fields in which you can enter data points. The values you add are interactively displayed on the graph to the right of the table. You can also Add rows above or below a selected row, Delete rows, or Append a specified number rows.

3. After you have specified or imported the data points, and OK the dialog, the Enter Frequency Data Points dialog shows the Dataset Name and the Freq As value.

4. After you OK the Enter Frequency Dependent Data Points dialog shows the new values.


HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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