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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Optimetrics >
   Tuning a Variable  >
       Reverting to a Saved Tuned State           

Reverting to a Saved Tuned State

You can revert to a group of saved settings in the Tune dialog box, including the variable values you specified for a specific tuning analysis. Saved states are only available during the current session of the Tune dialog box; they are not stored for the next session.

1. In the Tune dialog box, click Revert. The Revert dialog box appears.

2. Type the name of the tuned state you want to apply or click a name in the pull-down list.

3. Select Apply tuned values to design if you want to update the model to the selected tuned state’s variable values.

4. Click OK to return to the Tune dialog box.


The topics for this section include:

Saving a Tuned State


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