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Optimetrics >
   Fast Calculation-Update Algorithm       

Fast Calculation-Update Algorithm

A fast calculation-update algorithm is available to speed up optimetrics and report updates during optimetrics analyses. Fast calculation-update will generate the same optimetrics results, only faster, and is available for all optimetrics analyses except Tuning analysis. By default, the fast calculation-update option is automatically enabled whenever it is applicable, but you may configure it using the Options page of the Setup Optimization dialog by clicking Product > Optimetrics Analysis > Add Optimization.




Fast Calculation-Update Reports

When fast calculation-update is enabled, some reports will be automatically updated during the optimetrics analysis if you configure the following:

1. Set Dynamic report update frequency to 1 using Tools > Options > Circuit Options:


2. Set all variables to Nominal in the Report/Trace setup:




Fast Calculation-Update Inapplicable

The fast calculation-update algorithm cannot be used if any optimetrics calculation uses:

• Project/Design variables — If the project/design variable is NOT swept in optimetrics analysis, and you would like to use it in the expression: You can create an output variable for the Project/Design variable, assign the value of the Project/Design variable to the output variable, and use the output variable in the expression instead.

• More than one range function — For example, when range function is not the outermost function or when range function takes arguments.

• More than one calculation range or the calculation range is not for primary sweep.

Similarly, when fast calculation-update is enabled, a trace cannot be updated during an analysis if the trace expression uses:

• Project/Design variables —You can use the same workaround described above.

• Any range function


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