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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
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Maxwell Spice Legacy Elements >
   S-Element Voltage-Controlled Switch       

S-Element Voltage-Controlled Switch


S-Element Voltage-Controlled Switch Instance Netlist Format

The S-element voltage-controlled switch is generated for Nexxim by Maxwell SpicelinkÔ. This element has the netlist format:

Sxxx n+ n- c+ c- modelname

n+ and n- are the positive and negative signal voltage nodes. c+ and c- are the positive and negative control voltage nodes. modelname is the name of a .MODEL statement of type SW elsewhere in the netlist. See the SW Switch Model description for the operation of the switch.

S-Element Voltage-Controlled Switch Instance Netlist Example

s1 1 2 3 4 switch1

SW Switch Model

The SW model statement has the following netlist syntax:

.MODEL modelname SW [model_parameters]

The modelname is the name used by S-elements to reference this model definition. The keyword SW is required for voltage-controlled switch models.


SW Model Parameters






OFF resistance




ON resistance




Threshold voltage



SW Switch Model Netlist Example

.MODEL switch1 SW ROFF=1.7 RON=5e+6 VT=5.0

SW Switch Model Notes

1. The switch model describes an almost-ideal switch. Properly selected on and off resistances can effectively be zero and infinity by comparison with other circuit elements.

2. The switch is set to ON when [V(c+) - V(c-)] > VT. In the ON state, the resistance from n+ to n- is Ron. The switch is set to OFF when [V(c+) - V(c-)] £ VT. In the OFF state, the resistance from n+ to n- is Roff.


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