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LoadPull Behavioral Elements >
   Nonlinear LoadPull Amplifier       

Nonlinear LoadPull Amplifier



Nonlinear Loadpull Amplifier Instance Netlist Syntax

The nonlinear loadpull amplifier model uses data-driven load pull values. The user supplies the load pull data via files in the LPD or LPC format from Focus Microwaves, Inc. The user-supplied LPD data gives the output power for a range of output impedances at constant input power and at a given frequency. The LPC data allows sweeps of source power.

The amplifier is behavioral in that no reflections from the inputs are calculated. Source matching is assumed (Zin = Zs*, where * denotes the complex conjugate). The component may be used with one-tone and two-tone harmonic balance analyses, including load-pull analysis to verify impedance matching.

The syntax for a nonlinear loadpull amplifier instance is:

ANLLPAMPxxxx n1 n2 n3 n4 loadpull_file=file_reference source_frequency1=val source_frequency2=val load_resistance=val load_reactance=val model_switch=val COMPONENT=loadpull_behavioral_model

n1 and n2 are the input nodes, n3 and n4 are the output nodes of the amplifier.

See LPD File Format in this topic for specifications on the load pull data required by Nexxim. See File References in the Nexxim Netlist File Format topic for details on file references.

The entry COMPONENT=loadpull_behavioral_model identifies the device.


Nonlinear Loadpull Amplifier Instance Parameters






Pathname\filename of file containing the loadpull data (LPD or LPC format)




Frequency of source connected to the input of the NLAMP. A value greater than 0Hz is required to enable one-tone or two-tone analysis.




Frequency of second input source when two-tone analysis is desired. A value greate rthan 0Hz is required to enable two-tone analysis. A value of 0Hz means the second tone is absent.




Resistance of the load. A value of 0 means the resistance is unknown, and Nexxim will attempt to predict the value.




Reactance of the load. A value of 0 means the reactance is unknown, and Nexxim will attempt to predict the value.




Selects implementation:

0=newer frequency domain implementation

1=earlier (Release 6.0) time domain implementation



Nonlinear Loadpull Amplifier Netlist Example

ANLLPAMP123 sig1 sig2 line1 line2
+ loadpull_file="c:\nexxim_loadpull\test_loadpull\demo.lpd"
+ source_frequency1=1GHz COMPONENT=loadpull_behavioral_model


1. Specifying the load_resistance and load_impedance can help when the simulation has problems converging.

2. To run a demonstration of analyses with the nonlinear loadpull amplifier component, see Nonlinear Loadpull Amplifier Demo in the Getting Started Guide.

LPD and LPC File Formats

A file in the LPD or LPC format for loadpull data from Focus Microwaves, Inc. (.lpd or .lpc extension) consists of three parts: the File Header, the Title Line, and the lines of data.

LPD or LPC File Header

The load pull data file must begin with a header containing required information. The file header may contain additional lines of information, but Nexxim uses only the lines in the listing below:


! Load Pull Measurement Data


! File = filename

! Date = date Time: time


! Comment =

! Frequency = loadpull_frequency

! Char.Impedances = Source: val Load: val

! Source Impedance = rval +j ival


The entries in bold must appear just as shown. The italic fields are the values to be supplied.

Title Line

The title line specifies the type of measurement data in each column within the file. Nexxim uses only the types of measurement data specified in this section.

Here is an example of a Title line from an LPD format file with data elements that Nexxim can use:

Point R jX Pin[dBm] Pout[dBm] Gain[dB] IMD2Lo[dBc] IMD2Up[dBc] IMD3Lo[dBc] IMD3Up[dBc]

The LPC format supports a sweep of input power. The Title line is the same,

Point R jX Pin[dBm] Pout[dBm] Gain[dB] IMD2Lo[dBc] IMD2Up[dBc] IMD3Lo[dBc] IMD3Up[dBc]


The following table describes these data elements. Load impedance may be specified using either Real/Imaginary or Gamma/Phase values.

LPD and LPC Format Data Elements

Title Line Entry



Point index of the load pull (starting with 1)


Real part of load impedance


Imaginary part of load impedance


Magnitude of reflection coefficient


Phase of reflection coefficient


Input power in dBm. For LPD files, the input power is essentially constant. For LPC files, the input power is swept.


Output power in dBm.


Gain in dB. The file must specify either Pout or Gain. If both are specified, the Gain value is used.

IMD2[dBc] or IMD2[dBm]

Second-order intermodulation product, specified in dBc or dBm. If IMD2 is omitted, even-order terms are ignored.

IMD2Lo[dBc], IMD2Up[dBc] or IMD2Lo[dBm], IMD2Up[dBm]

Alternative to IMD2 Lower and upper 2nd-order intermodulation products, specified in dBc or dBm. Nexxim uses the average of the two values.

IMD3[dBc] or IMD3[dBm]

Second-order intermodulation product, specified in dBc or dBm.

IMD3Lo[dBc], IMD3Up[dBc] or IMD3Lo[dBm], IMD3Up[dBm]

Alternative to IMD3. Lower and upper 2nd-order intermodulation products, specified in dBc or dBm. Nexxim uses the average of the two values.

Example LPD File

Here is an abbreviated example of an LPD load pull data file .

! Load Pull Measurement Data


! File = C:\data\example.lpd

! Date = Mon Mar 13 17:48:54 2000


! Comment = Example for documentation

! Frequency = 1.9600 GHz

! Char.Impedances = Source: 50 Ohm, Load: 50 Ohm

! Source Impedance = 4.15 +j -2.56 Ohm


Point R jX Pin[dBm] Pout[dBm] Gain[dB] IMD2Lo[dBc] IMD2Up[dBc] IMD3Lo[dBc] IMD3Up[dBc]


001 3.7402 -0.0239 28.84 37.83 8.89 -39.24 -41.13 -57.98 -59.54

002 3.7006 -0.6991 28.98 37.87 8.88 -38.17 -40.42 -56.51 -57.28

003 3.2289 -0.4435 28.99 37.95 8.96 -38.37 -40.51 -55.95 -57.76


Example LPC File

Here is an abbreviated example of an LPC data file representing a multitone application.

! Load Pull Measurement Data


! File = C:\data\sweep.lpc

! Date = Monday, May 10, 2010 Time: 10:01:33


! Comment =

! Frequency = 1.000 GHz

! Char.Impedances = Source: 50 Ohm Load: 50 Ohm

! Source Impedance = 34.66 +j -158.27 Ohm


Point Gamma Phase[deg] Pin[dBm] Pout[dBm] Gain[dB] V2[V] I2[mA] PAEff[%] Pout@F0[dBm] Pout@F1[dBm] Pout@F2[dBm] IMD3Lo[dBc] IMD3Up[dBc]


# 001 0.300 -60.0

5.22 21.35 16.14 4.982 207.037 12.92 20.14 -9.64 -18.96 38.960 38.890

6.25 22.26 16.01 4.982 200.414 16.44 24.63 -7.51 -15.85 36.980 37.020

7.25 23.14 15.89 4.982 193.667 20.82 21.69 -5.41 -12.72 34.910 34.690

8.25 23.80 15.55 4.982 186.526 25.11 22.57 -3.11 -9.51 25.030 26.710

9.24 24.61 15.37 4.982 178.470 31.59 12.54 -0.52 -5.74 25.160 26.760

10.24 25.40 15.17 4.982 167.481 40.32 16.30 2.48 -1.01 22.680 24.470

11.30 26.28 14.99 4.982 152.044 54.32 20.53 5.92 4.47 21.750 16.810

12.34 27.12 14.78 4.982 151.259 66.16 26.45 8.59 9.77 13.890 14.140

13.32 27.67 14.36 4.982 156.795 72.17 25.53 10.44 12.16 12.130 12.880

14.31 28.05 13.75 4.982 163.230 75.23 25.99 11.73 13.29 11.260 12.460

# 002 0.300 -30.0


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