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Nexxim Simulator > Viewing TV Noise ContributorsWhen noise analysis has been specified in the solution setup or in the netlist, you can view a listing of noise contributors . Noise contributors are available for Linear Network Analysis (LNA), Time-Varying Noise Analysis (TVNoise) and Oscillator Analysis (OSC). To enable this feature, the TV_Noise Analysis setup in a schematic design must specify at least one Noise Output device (node voltage or branch current). In a netlist design, the netlist must include the NOISE_OUTPUT entry in the .TV_NOISE statement. For schematic designs, right-click the solution setup icon in the Project tree and select Show Noise Contributors from the menu. For netlist designs, right-click the circuit name icon in the Project tree and select Show Noise Contributors from the menu. The Noise Contributors dialog opens: Initially, the noise contributors are listed in order by Component Name. (If the dialog is opened before an analysis has been performed, it will be empty.) Click in a column header to sort the display by the contents of that column (the example above has been sorted by Noise (%)). In a schematic design, the Selected Row panel is enabled. Select a contributor (row) and click Select in schematic. The contributing element will be selected in the schematic window. The schematic window is brought to the front (under the Noise Contributors dialog) and scrolled so that the selected object is visible. Only one element can be selected at a time. Select an object in the schematic window and click Show schematic selection. The corresponding contributing element will be selected in the Noise Contributors dialog. The row containing that element is scrolled into view if necessary. Initially, the display is set up to show spot noise contributors using default settings. Click the Format button to open the Noise Contributors Format dialog: Use the pulldown in the Noise Output Device field to select one noise output device (voltage through node or current through branch). The list is populated from the output devices selected in the TV_Noise Analysis setup or in the NOISE_OUTPUT entry on the .TV_NOISE statement. Enter a value in the Maximum noise elements to show field to restrict the display to that number of elements with the most noise contributions. When Spot Noise is selected, the Spot Noise Parameters panel is activated. The Units radio button settings depend on the Noise Output Device: When the device is a branch current (as in the illustration above), the choice of units is between Amps/(Hz)½ and (Amps)2/Hz. When the device is a node voltage, the choice of units is between Volts/(Hz)½ and (Volts)2/Hz. The Frequency field is initialized to a value drawn from the analysis setup. Change the frequency as desired to see how the spot noise contributions vary with frequency. When Integrated Noise is selected, the Spot Noise Parameters panel is deactivated. Units are Volts for output device node voltages and Amperes for output device branch currents. Click the Save settings as default button to save the Noise Contributors Format dialog settings as the defaults for future displays. Click the OK button to close the Noise Contributors Format dialog and return to the Noise Contributors dialog. Click the Done button to close the Noise Contributors dialog. The Noise Contributors dialog becomes invalid if the design is modified. If the dialog is open when the analysis is re-run, the dialog will be refreshed. Multiple Noise Contributor dialogs may be opened, but only one for a given design. HFSS视频教程 ADS视频教程 CST视频教程 Ansoft Designer 中文教程 |
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