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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   Harmonic Balance Technical Notes >
       TONE Parameter on Sources           

TONE Parameter on Sources

To ensure that the desired harmonic balance frequency is used with a SIN, PWL, or PULSE source, qualify the source instance statement by adding a TONE=tone_value parameter at the end of the source instance statement in the netlist. The tone_value is then used in a subsequent HB statement.

The TONE parameter is needed with a SIN voltage or current source only when the driving frequency of the source differs from the frequency at which the harmonic balance is to run. For example, to analyze a circuit driven by a single 1-KHz AC voltage source using harmonic balance at a test tone of 1 KHz over the first 31 harmonics, the netlist would be simply:

V1 1 0 SIN(0 1v 1000)

.HB TONES=1000 MAXK=31

However, to specify a 1000-Hz tone for harmonic balance while driving the circuit with a 2000-Hz sinusoidal voltage, the voltage source statement should include the TONE parameter:

V1 1 0 SIN(0 1v 2000) TONE=1000

.HB TONES=1000 MAXK=31

The TONE parameter is required with any PWL or PULSE source. For example, to analyze a mixer driven by sources at 1 MHz and 27 kHz over the first four harmonics of a PWL source and the first two harmonics of a PULSE source, the netlist syntax would be:

V23 20 0 PWL(0 0 0.1e-6 2.0 0.5e-6 5.0 1.0e-6 0 R) TONE=1.0e6

V1 1 0 PULSE (0 5 0 5e-3 5e-3 27e-3 27.0e3) TONE=27.0e3

.HB TONES=(1.0e+6, 27.0e+3) MAXK=(4, 2)

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