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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
VerifEye and QuickEye Analyses >
   QuickEye and VerifEye Technical Notes >
       QuickEye Analysis           

QuickEye Analysis

QuickEye analysis employs pattern-dependent convolution. A step response to a single transition is taken for a single rising edge and a single falling edge, and the step responses are then combined to create an intermediate waveform that approximates the behavior of the fully-simulated channel. With QuickEye, inter-symbol interference (ISI) is easy to calculate, but random transmit jitter is more difficult to handle. QuickEye superimposes the step responses for a rising and a falling edge in their appropriate places. The step response is the waveform at the far end of the channel to a single transition at the input, from low to high or high to low.

By default, Nexxim simulates over a time period of 100 UIs to calculate the step response. STEP_RESP_NUM_UI parameter on the Eye Source controls this operation.


Figure 4: Intermediate QuickEye waveforms for the RC example. Rising edges are solid; falling edges are dashed. Summing these transitions creates the waveform in Figure 2.


QuickEye convolves the calculated step response with an input bit pattern to generate the eye diagram. The input bit pattern can be a literal bitlist specified in the netlist, a sequence of random bits, a bit pattern read from a file, a pseudorandom selection of bit patterns of length 7, 11, 23, or 31, or the worst-case bit pattern calculated by peak distortion analysis.

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