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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim Harmonic Balance >
   Harmonic Balance Technical Notes >
       Controlling Nexxim Harmonic Balance Analysis >
           Nonlinear Solver Controls               

Nonlinear Solver Controls

The following options control the convergence of the outer, nonlinear solver loop:

hb.abstol=val sets the absolute error tolerance for currents to be used by harmonic balance. Increase (loosen) to aid convergence with less accuracy. The default is 1e-12 Amp.

hb.vntol=val sets the absolute error tolerance for voltages to be used by harmonic balance. Increase (loosen) to aid convergence with less accuracy. The default is 1e-7 Volt.

hb.reltol=val sets the relative error tolerance for both currents and voltages to be used by harmonic balance. Increase (loosen) to aid convergence with less accuracy. The default is 1e-3 (dimensionless).

max_newton_iterations=val sets the maximum number of tries before the nonlinear iterative method gives up trying to converge. Increase if necessary to aid convergence.

limiting_step=val sets the maximum absolute update in voltage that can occur from one iteration to the next. Decrease if necessary to aid convergence.

memory_over_speed=val controls the use of memory resources. With the default of 0, the simulation emphasizes speed over memory, but will switch to a memory-conserving scheme if too many memory resources are being consumed. With memory_over_speed set to 1, simulation will always emphasize memory over speed. memory_over_speed cancels automatic adjustments such as the adjustment of MAXK.

cluster_tol=val clusters frequencies that are within a certain tolerance of each other, in order to conserve memory. The final solution is not affected, but the simulation speed may be slowed for certain nonlinear circuits. This option is applied for multitone problems in circuits with no frequency-dependent devices. The default value is 1e-2 Hz.

When cluster_tol is in effect, Nexxim displays a message such as:

analysis:hb(status): frequency compression = 7.14286

This message indicates the percentage reduction in the number of frequencies that results from clustering (about 7% in the example above).



Frequency-domain elements in the circuit prevent the application of clustering in the harmonic balance analysis. When one or more frequency-domain elements are present, Nexxim displays the following message:

analysis:hb(status): presence of frequency domain elements: frequency clustering NOT utilized

In particular, a port element contains a complex impedance, so that the port element acts as a frequency-domain device. When clustering is desired in harmonic balance analysis, it may be possible to use a simple resistor in place of a port element.

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