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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis >
   DC Analysis Technical Notes >
       Nexxim DC Analysis/DC Continuation Strategies           

Nexxim DC Analysis/DC Continuation Strategies

The Newton-Raphson method guarantees convergence only when its initial guess is close enough to the final solution. Without specific information about the circuit, the DC solver starts from an initial guess of zero. For many nonlinear circuits, zero is too far from the final solution, and Newton-Raphson fails to converge. In these cases, continuation methods can be applied to achieve convergence.

Nexxim uses a fixed sequence of continuation strategies to help achieve convergence. Each strategy uses a set of optimal parameters and a combination of several basic methods—device continuation, alpha (Gmin) continuation, beta (Gshunt) continuation, and pseudotransient continuation. The conv option selects the initial combination of methods to use (see Nexxim DC Analysis Options for details). By default, when one strategy fails to converge, the simulator cycles through the available combinations, and analysis fails only after all continuation strategies fail. You can turn off the automatic cycling, in which case analysis fails when the first combination of methods fails to converge.

Device Continuation

Alpha Continuation

Beta Continuation

Pseudotransient Continuation

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