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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Simulator >
Nexxim DC Analysis >
   Convergence, Speed, and Accuracy >
       Options that Affect Nexxim DC Convergence Only >
           Convergence Algorithms               

Convergence Algorithms

The option conv sets the DC convergence algorithm.

•  conv=1 is the default algorithm, a combination of beta and device continuation which is both aggressive and robust.

•  conv=2 uses only device continuation, and is usually not as robust as conv=1.

•  conv=3 uses the more robust pseudotransient algorithm, but is not as fast as conv=1 when the circuit is linear.

•  conv=4 is a slight modification of the conv=1 beta and device continuation algorithm.

•  conv=5 combines alpha, beta, and device continuation.

When conv=3 (pseudotransient continuation) has been specified, the option max_pt_continuation_iterations controls the maximum iterations to use (default is 5000 iterations).

The Boolean option autoconverge enables and disables automatic cycling through the convergence strategies.

•  autoconverge=1 is the default. Suppose conv=1 is the current selection. If DC analysis fails with conv=1, the simulator automatically tries conv=2, 3, 4, and 5 until convergence is achieved. If conv has been set to a value other than 1, autoconvergence cycles from that method through the remaining methods. For example, if conv=3 has been selected and then fails, autoconvergence cycles through conv=4, 5, 1, and 2 until convergence is achieved. If no method achieves convergence, analysis halts.

•  autoconverge=0 disables autoconvergence cycling. If the chosen strategy fails, analysis halts.

Initial Guess in Sweeps

By default, DC sweeps use the result from the previous sweep step as the initial guess for the current step. The option result_as_initial_guess controls this behavior.

•  result_as_initial_guess=0 turns off the use of previous results.

•  result_as_initial_guess=1 enables the use of previous results. However, the use of previous results is the default, so this option setting is never needed.

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