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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Design Examples >
Nexxim RF Design Examples >
   Loadpull Analysis Example >
       Run the Loadpull Analysis and View the Results           

Run the Loadpull Analysis and View the Results

1. Right-click the HB1Tone setup icon and select Analyze. The Progress window displays a red line to show the analysis as it performs the sweeps.

2. When the analysis is complete, right-click on the Results icon in the Project tree and select Create LoadPull Report > Smith Contour Chart.

3. The Report dialog opens with the Trace tab selected.

• Verify that HB1Tone is the Solution and Loadpull Contour is the Domain.

• Select Power as the Category, P(Port2)<F1> as the Quantity, and <None> as the Function (loadpull results are automatically set in watts).

• Click New Report, then click Close.

4. The Report window opens with a Smith Chart showing the contour plots of the sweep results:

5. Close the Report window and the Project when you have finished viewing the graph.


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