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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Nexxim Design Examples >
Nexxim RF Design Examples >
   Harmonic Balance Analysis Example >
       Analyze the Gilbert Cell Mixer           

Analyze the Gilbert Cell Mixer

1. On the Project panel, expand the Analysis icon. Two analyses have been set up, Nexxim Transient and HBnTone. Sources VSRC1, VLO, and VRF1 are enabled for both analyses. Source VRF2 is enabled for HBnTone only.

2. To run both analyses, right-click the Analysis icon, and click Analyze.

A progress window briefly appears at the lower right to indicate that the transient analysis is being performed. A longer-duration progress window indicates that the harmonic balance analysis is being performed. When both analyses are completed, the Message Manager window at the lower left shows the name of the project, errors or warnings if any, and analysis statistics such as CPU time.

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