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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Network Data Explorer >
   Displaying Mixed-Mode Parameters       

Displaying Mixed-Mode Parameters

Mixed-mode parameters are displayed in place of single-ended parameters when differential pairs are both defined and activated.


To define differential pairs:

1. Select existing ports.

2. Open NdExplorer by selecting Tools > Network Data Explorer.

3. Select Edit > Define Differential Pairs to open the Differential Pairs dialog.

4. Select New Pair in the Differential Pairs dialog.

The selected ports are paired.



To activate differential pairs:

1. Open the NdExplorer by selecting Tools > Network Data Explorer.

2. Click the Active column boxes for the pairs you wish to activate. (Alternately, you can click the Active column header itself to activate all pairs listed in the column).

The chosen pairs are activated.




The NdExplorer Edit menu option Reset All Port Properties deactivates all pairs, but it does not clear the differential pair settings. And since Reset All Port Properties also clears reference impedances and terminations, it should not be used when the user simply wishes to disable all differential pairs. To disable all differential pairs, click the Active column header in the Differential Pairs dialog to deselect all pairs.


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