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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Footprint Editor >
   Using Scripts to Define Footprints in Layout >
       LayoutHost Object >
           LayoutHost Methods >
               Via/Padstack Methods                   

Via/Padstack Methods


NewVia(name, start_layer, end_layer, cx, cy, padstack, diameter)

Creates a via in the footprint and returns it as a via object.


      Name: Name of the via

      Start_layer: Integer id retrieved from GetLayerID

      End_layer: Integer id retrieved from GetLayerID

      Cx: Center x coordinate

      Cy: Center y coordinate

      Padstack: Name of the padstack to use. Passing an empty string (“”) will result in “No Pad SMT East” by default.

      Diameter: Diameter of the via


      var via = LayoutHost.NewVia(“via_name”, layerID1, layerID2, x, y, “PlanarEMVia”, diameter);


SnapVia(via, to_edge, to_edge_pos, x_off, y_off, rel_angle);

Moves a via to the specified edge position. The target snap point is specified by an edge position with an offset and angle. Associated with the target edge position is a normal (perpendicular to the edge and pointing outwards, or to the right in poly-lines) and a tangent vector (pointing in the direction of the edge). These two vectors define the local coordinate system in which x_off, y_off, and angle are specified.


      Via: Specifies the via object to be moved

      To_edge: Specifies the target object and edge

      To_edge_pos: The target snap point. The via position is snapped to this location, specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).

      X_off: An offset along the normal vector for the target edge.

      Y_off: An offset along the tangent vector for the target edge.

      Rel_angle: An additional rotation (specified as a counter-clockwise rotation in radians) relative to the normal vector for the target edge.


      // Place ‘via’ 1 unit inside edge 2 of ‘rect’

      LayoutHost.SnapVia(via, rect.Edge(2), LayoutHost.MID, -1, 0, 0);


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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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