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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Symbol Editor >
   The Symbol Draw Menu       

The Symbol Draw Menu

The symbol editor Draw menu presents options for drawing graphical primitives and text, and manipulating selected objects. The Draw menu options include:


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , initiates creation of an arc. To draw an arc, click the symbol editor grid at the two points that will determine the arc’s ends, and then drag the arc to the desired radius.

Once you have created an arc, you can adjust its radius or move its endpoints by clicking the arc to select it, and dragging the appropriate handle.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , initiates creation of a circle. To draw a circle, click the symbol editor grid to select a center point, and then drag the circle to the desired diameter.

Once you have created a circle, you can adjust its diameter in either of two ways:

• Click the circle to select it, and then drag one of its handles.

• Double-click the circle to open its Properties dialog, type a new value for the Radius parameter, and then click OK.

By default, a new circle is hollow. You can fill a circle with solid color or parallel lines in one of several styles as follows:

a. With the circle’s properties displayed, click in the Value cell for the FillStyle property.

b. Select the desired fill style from the list.

c. Click OK.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , initiates creation of a polyline with one or more segments. To draw a line:

1. Click the symbol editor grid where you want the line to start, and then click at one or more points to continue the line.

2. To complete the line, do one of the following after defining its final segment:

• Press SPACE.

• Right-click, and then click Finish.

After you have completed a line, you can change the endpoints of its segments by doing the following:

• Select the line and drag the appropriate handle(s).

• Double-click the line to open its Properties dialog, type new position values
(in the form X: Y) for the desired vertices, and click OK.

Alternately, you can change the endpoints of a selected line by clicking Layout > Line Styles to open the Line Styles dialog, then click in the Cap Type field to change the cap or line-ending type (Flat, Extended, or Round).

Since a line has nonzero width, its CapType determines how its ends behave:

Extended - Extends the line by its own width past the endpoint you click.

Flat          - Cuts the line perpendicularly at the endpoint you click.

Round      - Ends the line in a semicircle.

The existing technology files define line/trace styles, including a CapType (typically Flat) for each style. If you select None as the technology type, you'll automatically get a palette of four styles with a variety of widths, BendTypes and CapTypes.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , initiates creation of a polygon. To create a polygon:

1. Click the symbol editor grid to specify the position of one vertex, and then click wherever you want to place additional vertices.

2. To complete a polygon, specify the position of its final vertex, and then do either of the following:

• Press SPACE.

• Right-click, and then click Finish.

Once you have drawn a rectangle, you can edit its vertex positions and other properties, including its fill style, as follows:

• Click the rectangle, and then edit its properties in the Properties window.

• Double-click the rectangle, and then edit its properties in the Properties dialog box.

By default, a new polygon is hollow. You can fill a polygon with solid color or parallel lines in one of several styles as follows:

a. With the polygon’s properties displayed, click in the Value cell for the FillStyle property.

b. Select the desired fill style from the list.

c. Click OK.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , initiates creation of a rectangle. To create a rectangle, click the editor grid to specify the position of one corner, and then drag the rectangle to the desired size.

Once you have drawn a rectangle, you can edit its height and width, the position of its center, and its angle (its rotation, in degrees, relative the handles of its bounding box) as follows:

• Click the rectangle, and then edit its properties in the Properties window.

• Double-click the rectangle, and then edit its properties in the Properties dialog box.

By default, a new rectangle is hollow. You can fill a rectangle with solid color or parallel lines in one of several styles as follows:

a. With the rectangle’s properties displayed, click in the Value cell for the FillStyle property.

b. Select the desired fill style from the list.

c. Click OK.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar , adds to the symbol an editable “Default text” label in 12-point Arial. To edit the default text string immediately after placement, type the text you want, and then press ENTER or click elsewhere in the editor grid.

To change just the text of an existing label:

1. Click the label.

2. Click the label again to open its text for editing.

3. Type the desired text.

4. Press ENTER or click elsewhere in the editor grid.

To change other properties of a label, including its color, font or size:

1. Click the label and view its properties in the Properties window, or double-click the label and view its properties in the Properties dialog.

2. Click in the Value cell for the property you want to modify.

3. Modify the value.

4. Click OK, or click in another Value cell to commit the change and keep editing values.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar, initiates placement of a symbol pin with a default stem length of 10. You can rotate a pin once you’ve started to place it by iteratively pressing R until the pin is oriented to your liking. Click in the editor grid to finish placing the pin.


This option, also available from the Symbol Draw menu and by pressing CTRL+R on the keyboard, rotates a selected object or group of objects 90° to the left.

Align Horizontal

This option horizontally aligns the uppermost edges of the members of a group of selected objects with the uppermost edge of the first-selected object. To align multiple objects horizontally:

1. Press CTRL, and then click the object with which you want to align the others.

2. Still pressing CTRL, click the additional objects in turn to add them to the selection.

Note that the first-selected object is highlighted in red, and that the subsequently selected objects are highlighted in dark red.

3. On the Draw menu, click Align Horizontal.

Align Vertical

This option vertically aligns the leftmost edges of the members of a group of selected objects with the leftmost edge of the first-selected object. To align multiple objects vertically:

1. Press CTRL, and then click the object with which you to align the others.

2. Still pressing CTRL, click the additional objects in turn to add them to the selection.

Note that the first-selected object is highlighted in red, and that the subsequently selected objects are highlighted in dark red.

3. On the Draw menu, click Align Vertical.

Flip About X Axis

This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar, flips a selected object about the X axis.

Flip About Y Axis

This option, also available from the Symbol Draw toolbar, flips a selected object about the Y axis.

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