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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Using Component Libraries >
Using the Footprint Editor >
   Using Scripts to Define Footprints in Layout >
       LayoutHost Object >
           LayoutHost Methods >
               Port/Pin Methods                    

Port/Pin Methods

These methods create and move ports/pins as needed.


MovePort(name, cx, cy, angle)

Moves an existing port of that name. All scripted footprints must call MovePort for every pin in the footprint. This call should be made prior to defining any port geometry.


      Name: Name of the port

      Cx: Center x coordinate

      Cy: Center y coordinate

      Angle: Rotation angle to draw port (in radians)


      LayoutHost.MovePort(“1”, x, y, 2*Math.tan(theta));


SnapPort(name, edge, edge_pos, rel_angle)

Moves a port to the specified edge position. The angle is relative to the normal vector (perpendicular to the edge and pointing outwards, or to the right in poly-lines).


      Name: Name of an existing port

      Edge: The edge on which the port is to be placed

      Edge_pos: The position on the edge where the port is to be placed; specified as LayoutHost.START, MID, or END (or a value < 0, 0, or > 0).

      Rel_angle: An additional rotation (specified as a counter-clockwise rotation in radians) relative to the normal vector for the edge.


      LayoutHost.SnapPort(“1”, rect1.Edge(1), LayoutHost.MID, 0);


SetPortLayers(name, start_layer, end_layer)

Sets the layer range (and hence placement) for a port


      Name: Name of the port

      Start_layer: An integer id retrieved from GetLayerID

      End_layer: An integer id retrieved from GetLayerID


      var top = LayoutHost.GetLayerId(“top”);

      var bottom = LayoutHost.GetLayerId(“bottom”);

      LayoutHost.SetPortLayers(“a”, top, bottom);


AddPortEdge (layer, name, points)

Defines the edge of the port to the polyline defined by “points”. Defining the port edge is necessary for co-simulation of a scripted footprint. Note, if you define the port edge, you must also have set the port position via “MovePort” first. Multiple edges may be added by calling this function repeatedly.

The points for the edge should be defined with the port as the origin. For example, if the edge is a vertical line 10 mils long running thru the port, the two points defining the edge would be (0, 5) & (0, -5), regardless of the location of the port itself.


      Layer: In integer id retrieved from GetLayerID

      Name: Name of the port

      Points: A PointsObject populated with the points desired


      LayoutHost.AddPortEdge(layerID, “n1”, pts));


SetPortWidth (layer, name, w)

Defines the edge of the port to be a single line segment of width “w”, centered on the port position, and rotated to the port angle. This function is an alternate means of defining a port edge. Defining the port edge is necessary for co-simulation of a scripted footprint. Note, if you define the port edge, you must also have set the port position via “MovePort” first.


      Layer: An integer id retrieved from GetLayerID

      Name: Name of the port

      W: Width of the port edge


      LayoutHost.SetPortWidth(layerID, “n1”, w));


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