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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Using the 3D Viewer >
   Setting 3D Viewer Options       

Setting 3D Viewer Options

You can set 3D Viewer Options by right-clicking to bring up the following menu.


View — Modify the 3D view via Rotate, Pan, and Zoom controls, etc.

Draw — Select which of the following layers/geometry are drawn: Dielectric, Geometry, HFSS Port Geometry, HFSS Air Box, True Ground, Pins as Edges. Note that each of these can also be controled through the Layout3D toolbar.

Label — Choose whether Ports or Vias are labeled.

Save Defaults — Save the current display settings as the new global default. Note that the current settings are automatically saved with the project for all active Layout3D windows.

Revert to Standard Defaults — Reset the global defaults back to the standard configuration.

Scale Z — Scale an object’s dimensions in the Z direction.

Cross Section — Select a cross-section of the model to view.

Transparent — Display all geometry as transparent. Selected objects and highlighted nets are not drawn transparent. When transparency is enabled, a slide bar is displayed within the Layout3D window that controls the degree of transparency.

Copy Image — Copy an image for pasting into a layout in the same application.


To set the options for the 3D view window itself:

1. Change the view of the model to 3D: On the EM Design menu, click 3D Viewer.

2. Select View > Options. The 3D UI Options dialog opens:

3. Set the options as desired, then click OK.



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