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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Using the 3D Viewer >
   Scaling 3D Objects       

Scaling 3D Objects

Use this command to scale the object’s dimensions in the z direction.

The scale of an object is determined by the distance of each of its vertices from the origin of the model coordinate system. When you select Scale Z, the distance of each vertex from the origin is multiplied by a scaling factor of four, or 400 percent. The object’s vertices are moved so that the distance between them and the point of origin makes the object four times as large in the z direction.

1. Change the view of the model to 3D: On the EM Design menu, click 3D Viewer.

2. Right-click on the model display, and then click Scale Z on the shortcut menu.

The Scale Z option is check marked and the model is scaled in the z direction.

To return the model objects to a normal view:

• Right-click on the model display, and then click Scale Z on the shortcut menu.

The Scale Z option is no longer check marked and the model is no longer scaled in the z direction.

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