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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
   Layout Pulldown Menu >


Layout > List opens the Design List dialog, which lists the objects in the layout.

Layout objects are listed with descriptive information. The following controls are available:

• Each column may be sorted by clicking on the title; clicking multiple times reverses the order of the sort.

• Selecting a row selects that object in the layout.

• Multiple rows can be selected using the shift or control keys.

• The Delete and Properties buttons apply to the objects in the selected rows.

Click the Nets tab to list all the nets.

Nets are listed with descriptive information. The following controls are available:

• Selecting a row selects all the objects in that net in the layout.

• Visible controls the visibility of each net.

• Checking Highlighted causes the objects in that net to be drawn in a highlight color. This is independent of the selection. Highlighting is maintained between sessions. Un-highlighted the net objects through the list dialog or by selecting a single object in the net and choosing the menu option Layout > Nets > Toggle Net Highlight.

• Color is used when the geometry is colored by net or when a net is highlighted. Each net has an assigned color.

• Delete removes all the items from the net (it does not delete the objects).

• Properties brings up the property editor; only the properties common to all elements in the net are displayed.



Shift-Ctrl-Select on an object in the Layout editor selects everything that is in the same net as the object.


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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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