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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Modifying Objects >
   Expanding Objects       

Expanding Objects

You can “expand” objects in Layout using the Draw > Expand command. When you click Draw > Expand, the Expand Polygon dialog opens.



• Expansion value can be positive or negative (e.g., “2mm” or “-2mm”). The object is expanded or shrunk by the distance specified.

• The Corner Style (where expanded sides meet) can be specified as Round, Miter, or Corner. When Corner is chosen, if the corner extension results in a projection greater than 8 times the expansion value (which corresponds to angles approximately 15 degrees or less), then the two meeting sides are truncated to reduce the corner projection.

• You may either Replace the existing object with the expanded object or, by default, create a new object.


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