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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Modifying Objects >
   Defeature and Repair Objects       

Defeature and Repair Objects

Geometry may be defeatured (the removal of unnecessary colinear points), snapped to a grid, and have self-intersections removed through the Draw > Defeature and Repair option, which opens the Geometry Repair dialog. The option is only available if there is a selection action, and only those items in the selection are affected by the operation.


• Polygon defeaturing will remove unnecessary points if deviations along any straight line are less than the value of a specified Defeaturing tolerance.

— Defeaturing is only applied if Defeature polygons (remove collinear points) is selected.

— Enter a Defeaturing tolerance by which the point deviations will be measured.

• If Snap points to grid is checked, all points of the selected object are snapped to the virtual grid defined by Grid size.

— The origin of the grid is taken to be (0, 0).

— Rectangle corners are snapped and the center, width, and height are recalculated.

— The center of a circle is snapped but the radius is not altered.

• If Fix self intersecting polygons is checked, selected polygons and wide polylines with self intersections are repaired by removing self intersections.

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