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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Coordinate Systems >
   Create Coordinate System       

Create Coordinate System

The Create Coordinate System command allows you to define a relative CS whose origin and orientation can be set relative to an existing object, or set relative to another existing CS.


New Coordinate System With No Object Selected

With nothing selected in the layout editor, the Create Coordinate System command creates a new relative CS and will group together subsequently created objects and position them relative to the 0,0 origin point of the new CS. When you choose Draw > Create Coordinate System with no object selected, the cursor changes to positive X-Y crosshairs to indicate that a new CS is being created. The cursor also displays the name assigned to the CS, in the form CS_n, where n is a unique integer. Left click in the editor to position the new relative CS. After positioning, all objects you now create are automatically grouped together with, and positioned relative to, the 0,0 origin point of the new CS. This is indicated by each object's positional values that are displayed in the Properties window.


New Coordinate System With Object Selected

With an object selected in the layout editor, the Create Coordinate System command creates a new Coordinate System and will group together and position subsequently created objects relative to the selected object. When you choose Draw > Create Coordinate System with an object selected, positive X-Y crosshairs are positioned next to the object to indicate that a new CS is being created relative to that object. Objects you now create are automatically grouped together with, and positioned relative to, the 0,0 origin point of the new CS. This is indicated by each object's positional values that are displayed in the Properties window. There are three types of objects you can select and associate a new relative CS with: an edge port, a pin, or a polygon edge.


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