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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Layout Editor User Guide >
Coordinate Systems >
   Create 3D Structure       

Create 3D Structure

When two or more objects on different layers are selected, the Draw > Create 3D Structure command will connect the objects to create a single 2D or 3D object. Objects being connected must possess the same number of points.

• If the objects selected contain open lines, the created structure will be a two-dimensional face (cross-layer plate) that spans the different layers.

• If the selected objects contain closed lines, the created structure will be a three-dimensional solid (3D Via) that spans the different layers. These 3D surfaces are included in the PlanarEM model. And in addition to a color attribute, 3D structures also possess a material attribute.

• If Create 3D Structure is clicked when no objects are selected, you will be required to interactively place the structure, and the current CS will be set to the new 3D structure.




When you use Create 3D Structure to create a structure using a selection of closed polygon lines, the order in which you select the lines is not significant — lines are automatically ordered according to elevation before being connected by the closed surface. But when you use Create 3D Structure to create a structure using open lines, the selection of lines is order-significant — lines will be connected in the order in which they were chosen.


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