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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Importing and Exporting Data >
   Importing Data >
       Importing 2D Model Files into the Layout Editor >
           Layer Mapping Files               

Layer Mapping Files


When a layer-mapping file is opened:

• Only layers specified in the file are checked for importing, others are unchecked.

• Imported files move to the top of the All layers grid control and are ordered as specified in the layer-mapping file.


Designer supports layer mapping files (.tech) with the following format:

• A forward slash, “/”, is the comment character.

• Units may be specified with a “UNITS <string>” entry that precedes the layer information t entries, where “<string>” is any of the allowed desktop length units; the default is “nm”.

• Each layer information entry is specified by a line that contains the following:

<import layer> — Name of the DXF layer

<destination layer> — The layout layer in Designer (i.e., the name to map the DXF layer to)

<layer color> — A color string choice from those listed below

<layer elevation> — Double

<layer height> — Double


Example .tech file


/ ----------------------------------------------------------------

/ import# destination Color Elevation Thickness

/ ----------------------------------------------------------------

S12 signal12 blue 1100 530

TR trace red 6620 530

S3 signal3 yellow 8150 2000



Designer also supports layer mapping files (.layermap) with the following format:

• No comment character

• Each layer information entry is specified by a line that contains:

<import layer> — Name of the DXF layer

<destination layer> — Specifies the layout layer in Designer (i.e., the name to map the DXF layer to)


Example .layermap file

S12 signal12

TR trace

S3 signal3



Click on the Designer Layer Colors link below to open a PDF file that contains a table which lists the supported color types and their corresponding RBG values.



• Before opening the file link below, you must first left-click to highlight the title of this page, Unit Types, in the expandable table of contents navigation pane shown at the left of this online help viewer.

• After opening the file link, to return to this page, Unit Types, click the Back button in the upper left corner of the online help viewer.


PDF File: Designer Layer Colors




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                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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