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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Subcircuits >
           Subcircuit Instance Statement               

Subcircuit Instance Statement

To create an instance of a subcircuit, the netlist adds an X-element statement:

Xxxx circuit_nodes sub_name [local_params] [M=val]

The subcircuit instance name must begin with the letter X (or x), followed by any number of valid device name characters. See Device Instance Names for the list of valid characters.

The circuit nodes in the X-element statement are the nodes in the actual circuit that connect to the boundary_nodes in the order given by the subcircuit definition.

The sub_name is the name of the subcircuit definition to instantiate.

The optional M parameter on a subcircuit instance statement specifies a value that multiplies the value of the M model parameter in every Nexxim device instance referenced in the subcircuit. For example, suppose the netlist contains the following statements:

.SUB MTEST 1 2 3 4
M1 x1 x2 x3 x4 mos1
M2 x5 x6 x7 x8 mos1 M=3
X1 101 102 103 104 MTEST M=2

When subcircuit X1 is instantiated, its parameter setting M=2 causes the instance of MOSFET M1 to have an effective instance parameter M=2, since by default the MOSFET instance parameter M has value 1. MOSFET M2 will have an effective instance parameter M=6 (3 times 2).

Here is the basic definition for the subcircuit LINESEG that combines the two subcircuits to make one segment of a lossy transmission line:

.SUBCKT LINESEG insig inref outsig outref

Xleft insig local1 sub1

Xright outsig local1 sub1

Xmid local1 local2 sub2

Rleft inref local2 ser_res

Rright local2 outref ser_res


Here is a circuit fragment that builds a multi-segment transmission line by connecting together two instances of subcircuit LINESEG.

* Lossy transmission line fragment

Xtrans1 send1 GND 10 20 LINESEG

Xtrans2 10 20 rcv1 GND LINESEG

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

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