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Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Subcircuits >
           Overriding the Precedence of Subcircuit Parameters               

Overriding the Precedence of Subcircuit Parameters

A subcircuit parameter can be given a value at different levels of nesting. There are two orders of precedence, global and local. Here is an example; consider the definitions of parameter foo.

.PARAM foo=1

X1 10 20 SUBA foo=2

.SUBCKT SUBA n1 n2 foo=3

X2 n1 n2 SUBB foo=4

.ENDS $ End of SUBA

.SUBCKT SUBB n3 n4 foo=5

R1 n3 n4 R=foo

.ENDS $ End of SUBB


Global Precedence

With global precedence, the outermost assignment of subcircuit parameter foo has highest precedence. In the example above, the precedence of these assignment statements is as follows:

• The .PARAM statement has the highest precedence.

• The assignment in statement X1 has next highest precedence.

• The assignment in .SUBCKT SUBA has next highest precedence.

• The assignment in statement X2 has next highest precedence.

• The assignment in .SUBCKT SUBB has lowest precedence.

Thus, resistor R1 in subcircuit SUBB would be instantiated with resistance R = 1 Ohm.

Local Precedence

Setting the global option PARHIER=LOCAL invokes local precedence, the reverse of global precedence. With PARHIER=LOCAL in effect, the precedence in the example above would be:

• The assignment in .SUBCKT SUBB has highest precedence.

• The assignment in statement X2 has next highest precedence.

• The assignment in .SUBCKT SUBA has next highest precedence.

• The assignment in statement X1 has next highest precedence.

• The .PARAM statement has the lowest precedence.

With PARHIER=LOCAL in effect, resistor R1 in subcircuit SUBB would have resistance 5 Ohm.


Setting PARHIER to any value starting with the letter L enables local precedence. Omitting PARHIER or setting it to any value not starting with the letter L leaves the precedence global.

Overriding the Designer Default

Nexxim netlists generated from Designer schematics insert PARHIER=LOCAL by default. To override this Designer default, uncheck the Use local parameter scoping box on the Global Option Defaults or Design-Level Options dialog. See Nexxim Options for details.

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