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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Subcircuits >
           Nested Subcircuits               

Nested Subcircuits

A subcircuit definition can contain the definitions of other “nested” subcircuits. A .SUBCKT definition that is nested within another .SUBCKT definition is local to the enclosing subcircuit. Instances of the nested subcircuit can appear only within the scope of the enclosing subcircuit definition. Here is a skeletal example:

.SUBCKT Outer 1 2

* Definition of subcircuit Outer

.SUBCKT Inner 1 2

* Definition of nested subcircuit Inner

.ENDS Inner

X1 3 4 Inner $ Valid subcircuit instance

.ENDS Outer

* Start of top-level circuit

X2 10 20 Outer $ Valid subcircuit instance

X3 30 40 Inner $ Invalid subcircuit instance

.END top-level circuit

In this example, the definition of subcircuit Inner is nested within the definition of subcircuit Outer. Instance X1 is valid since subcircuit Inner is known inside the definition of subcircuit Outer. However, instance X3 is not valid, since subcircuit Inner is not recognized outside of subcircuit Outer.

Note that instances of non-nested subcircuits are valid both inside and outside of subcircuit definitions, as shown in the transmission line example given earlier.

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