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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Subcircuits >
           Global Nodes in Subcircuits               

Global Nodes in Subcircuits

Node names on device instances inside a subcircuit are local to the subcircuit unless they are defined as boundary nodes in the .SUBCKT line. A node name that appears in a subcircuit can also be defined as “global” so that the node name refers to the same node in the netlist no matter where the name appears—in the top level circuit or in any level of subcircuit nesting.

The names for the global reference node (0, GROUND, GND, or GND!) are global. These names used anywhere refer to the single global reference node. A device instance node with one of the global reference node names is connected directly to the global reference node from any level of subcircuit nesting.

A subcircuit local node also becomes global when the node name is specified in a .GLOBAL statement either inside or outside a subcircuit definition, in the main module or in a module imported with an .INCLUDE or .LIB statement.

.GLOBAL nodename1 [nodename2 ...]

All nodes with a .GLOBAL node name are connected to that signal at every level of the netlist.

.SUBCKT sub4 N1 N2 $ Series resistors

R1 INPUT N1 R=0.05

R2 N2 0 R=0.1


.GLOBAL INPUT $ R1 in subcircuit sub4 connects to this node.



1. The .GLOBAL statement should appear in the top-level netlist. If a .GLOBAL statement occurs in a .SUBCKT definition, it is treated as if it appeared in the top-level circuit.

2. Use the .GLOBAL statement sparingly. Special attention should be paid to .GLOBAL definitions appearing inside a subcircuit library. Common names defined as .GLOBAL inside a circuit library may unintentionally affect the overall circuit that references the library.

3. In the Schematic Editor, adding a Global port to a schematic node inserts a .GLOBAL statement into the netlist that represents the circuit.

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