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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Subcircuits >
           Example with Subcircuits               

Example with Subcircuits

As an example for use in later discussions, Figure 1 diagrams the circuit topology of a segment of lossy transmission line. Netlist examples to follow will show how this circuit can be implemented with subcircuits:

Figure 1. Lossy Transmission Line Segment with Subcircuits

Here are example netlist definitions for the two internal subcircuits. Later netlist examples will show how to combine the subcircuits into a multi-segment transmission line and illustrate how to modify these definitions to incorporate additional features of subcircuits.

.SUBCKT sub1 sub1in sub1out

R1 sub1in sub1local ser_res

L1 sub1local sub1out ser_ind


.SUBCKT sub2 sub2in sub2out

C3 sub2in sub2out par_cap

R3 sub2in sub2out par_res




This example is just for demonstration purposes, not to be used in an actual circuit. The U transmission line model in the Nexxim device library allows you to specify both the overall line length and the number of lumped line segments to be used to simulate the transmission line, so you do not have to construct the line segment by segment.

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