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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Nexxim Netlist Format >
       Netlist File Structure >
           Continuation Lines               

Continuation Lines

To improve readability, an input line can contain intermediate carriage return/line feeds. The intermediate line breaks must be continued or ‘escaped’ using one of the following character combinations:

• A backslash (\) before a CR/LF suppresses the interpretation of the CR/LF as the end of the input line. Any whitespace (blanks or tabs) before the slash is retained, and any whitespace at the beginning of the continuation line is also retained. A valid comment can appear on the line after the backslash.

M25 nd ng ns nb model_1 L=1.1e-3 W=2.2e-3 \

• A double backslash (\\) before a CR/LF also suppresses the interpretation of the CR/LF as the end of the input line. Any whitespace before the double slash is ignored. Any whitespace on the same line after the double slash is ignored. Any whitespace at the beginning of the continuation line is ignored. A valid comment can appear on the line after the double backslash. This form is useful when a pathname must be broken over a line without any intervening spaces.

.INCLUDE './long_directory_name/long_subdirectory_name\\

• A plus sign (+) as the first character in a line (after a CR/LF at the end of the previous line) indicates that the new line is a continuation of the previous line. Blank lines and valid comment lines between the previous line and the continuation line are ignored.

M25 nd ng ns nb model_1 L=1.1e-3 W=2.2e-3
+ M=2 DTEMP=25 OFF


A line continued with a plus sign is interpreted as part of the statement, even if the previous line ended with a comment. For example:

R1 1 2 ; comment

+ 1000

Is the same as:

R1 1 2 1000

HFSS视频教学培训教程 ADS2011视频培训教程 CST微波工作室教程 Ansoft Designer 教程

                HFSS视频教程                                      ADS视频教程                               CST视频教程                           Ansoft Designer 中文教程


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