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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

Designer File Formats >
   Ansoft Neutral File Format       

Ansoft Neutral File Format

ANF is a public, neutral file format that allows third party tools to exchange design data with Ansoft products. Ansoft Neutral File (ANF) formatted files are generated by third party tools, by Ansoft’s “AnsoftLinks” program that translates third-party designs, or by Designer when exporting schematic or layout data. An ANF file can contain schematic data, 2D geometry (layout), 3D geometry, and component data. None of the data is required. A given ANF file may contain just schematic data with no layout data, or may contain just layout data with no schematic data.

The directory <Designer Install>/Ansoft/Designern/Help contains a reference document in Adobe PDF format: Ansoft_Neutral_File_Format_n_n.pdf.

• <Designer Install> is the directory where you have installed Designer.

• The “n” in /Designern/ identifies the version of the release.

• The “n_n” field identifies the revision of the document.




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