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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

The Designer Desktop >
Desktop Windows and Features >
   Project Manager Window >
       The Project Tab           

The Project Tab

Each design’s model data information, ports, excitations, solution setup, and results are displayed as entries in a separate subtree on the Project tab in the Project Manager Window of the Designer Desktop.


Project Manager Tree Organization

Information contained in the design is organized into folders in the Project manager tree:

• Data—Substrate data, library references, netlist fragments, and so on

• Excitations—Sources in the circuit

• Ports—Ports in the circuit

• Analysis—Setup information to perform various analyses

• Optimetrics—Setup information to perform optimization, statistical analysis, and so on

• Results—Collection of graphs and tables for the design

• Definitions—The collection of components, symbols, footprints, and so on, accessible from Designer

Double-clicking an item in these folders typically opens a dialog used to set the properties of that item.


Right-Click Shortcut Menu

Right-clicking a folder or item pops up a shortcut menu that allows you to perform various operations. The following figure illustrates the shortcut menu that is displayed when a System folder in the Project Manager is right-clicked.

Virtually all project editing and management can be done from the Project Manager window using the right mouse button shortcut menus. Many of these menus are also available from the main menu bar in the various Designer product menus.


Dockable Project Manager Window

The Project Manager window is a dockable window. It can be moved and sized any way you want it and it can attach itself to any edge of the Designer Desktop. There are controls on the window when it is docked, as shown below:


Dragging and Dropping

To help facilitate the easy copying of design materials, Designer allows you to drag and drop designs, components, and models from the Project Manager window to the Schematic Editor. In particular, in the Project tab of the Project Manager window, you can select and drag:

• A design from the Project Tree to a schematic

• A component from the Definitions folder to a schematic

• A model from the Definitions folder to a component in the schematic
(in order to associate the model with the component)


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