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Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

The Designer Desktop >
Desktop Windows and Features >
   Design Area >
       Schematic Editor Window           

Schematic Editor Window

The Schematic Editor window allows you to place components and wire them together.

You can move components by simply selecting and dragging them. Copy and paste can be used on components and their wires within the schematic editor. You can also copy and paste to other schematics.

As you place the cursor near a pin of a component, it changes from an arrow to an X. This indicates that the schematic editor is in the wiring mode. In the wiring mode, left-click to start drawing a wire. Left-click again to end the wire.

Commonly used items such as ports, n-port black boxes, grounds, and page connectors can be placed in the schematic by clicking their toolbar icons or by using the Draw menu.

View controls to zoom in, zoom out, and fit the drawing to the editor window are available on the View menu, and on the shortcut menu that opens when you right-click in a schematic.

For more information, see Schematic Editor.

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