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          首页 >> Ansoft Designer >> Ansoft Designer在线帮助文档

Ansoft Designer / Ansys Designer 在线帮助文档:

The Designer Desktop >
Desktop Windows and Features >
   Introducing the Designer Desktop >
       Moving and Resizing Windows           

Moving and Resizing Windows

You can customize the appearance of the Designer desktop by moving/resizing the:

• Status Bar

• Project Manager

• Progress window

• Message Manager

• Properties window


To move a window:

1. Click and hold on the window title bar.

2. Drag the cursor toward the region where you wish to place the window.

A rectangle shape follows the cursor. As you drag the rectangle to different parts of the desktop, the changes in its dimension indicate when you have reached a location where you can dock the window. If you drag the window to the center of the 3D Modeler window, you can place it there as a floating window.

3. Release the mouse button to place the window.


To resize a window:

• To resize a desktop window, place the cursor over the edge of the window. When the cursor is placed over an inner-edge of a window, the cursor changes to a double bar with arrows . When the cursor is placed over an outer-edge of a window, the cursor changes to a line with arrows. Press, hold, and drag to resize the window.

• To expand a window to fill the space it shares with another window, click the triangle in the window title bar. When you expand the window, other windows in the same space are compressed to a title bar.


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